Switching from Artec Studio 14

Since version 15, Artec Studio has more comprehensible names for the algorithm parameters (Tools panel). The glossary below lists these new names in alphabetical order and provides their former names used in version 14. Links lead to the corresponding sections covering these parameters.

See also


3D resolution
resolution; everywhere: in Fusion, Outlier removal.
3D-noise level
Either std_dev_mul_threshold in Outlier Removal, or minDistBetweenDescriptors in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
Adaptive (distance-aware)
Adaptive; in Ray scan triangulation.
All (watertight)
Watertight; in Fusion.
All except largest
Leave_biggest_object; in Small-object filter.
Decimation ratio
decimationStep; in Ray scan triangulation.
Desired edge length
edgeLength; in Ray scan triangulation.
Distance from scanner
effective_dist_from_scanner; in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
Distinct colors for sections
SectionColor; in Ray scan triangulation.
Feature voxel
voxelSide; in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
registration_algorithm; in registration algorithms.
Fill holes
Fill_holes; in Fusion.
Focus on geometry
First introduced in version 15.
Geometry (unchanged); in registration algorithms.
Geometry and texture
Geometry_and_Texture; in registration algorithms.
Geometry Ray
Geometry_Ray; in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
Hole perimeter (max)
max_hole_len; in Hole filling.
Hole radius (max)
max_hole_radius; threshold radius in Fusion.
Incidence angle (max)
maxIncidenceAngle; in Ray scan triangulation.
Incidence angle between vertices (max)
maxTriangleAngularSize; in Ray scan triangulation.
Keep edges
keep_boundary; in Mesh simplification.
Keep texture
UV_Triangle_quantity; in Mesh simplification.
Key frame ratio
key_frame_ratio; in Global registration
Later, manually
Manually; one of the options in Fusion.
Maximum shape deviation
error; in Mesh simplification.
method; in Ray scan triangulation.
No targets (Geometry alignment)
Geometry_alignment; in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
Skip; one of the options in Fusion.
Nonstrict polygon count
force_constraints; in Fast mesh simplification.
One random color
None; in Ray scan triangulation.
Polygon angle (min)
minTriangleAngle; in Ray scan triangulation.
Polygon count
tri_num or Triangle_quantity; in Mesh simplification.
Polygon count (max)
threshold; in Small-object filter.
Polygon edge length (max)
Either maxEdgeLength in Ray scan triangulation, or remesh_edge_thr in Mesh simplification.
Remove small polygons
Remesh; in Mesh simplification.
Remove surfaces
mode; in Small-object filter.
Remove targets
remove_targets; in Fusion.
Render mesh based on
colorMode; in Ray scan triangulation.
Search features within
feature_search_radius; in Global registration.
Shape deviation
Accuracy; in Mesh simplification.
Simple (unchanged); in Ray scan triangulation.
Smaller than specified
Filter_by_threshold; in Small-object filter.
steps; in Smoothing (Tools).
Stitch sections
useWholeCloudTriangulation; in Ray scan triangulation.
Target when simplifying
stop_condition; in Mesh simplification.
Targets (unchanged); in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
Targets and geometry
Targets_Geometry; in Global registration for point-cloud scans.
Vertex colors
SourceColor; in Ray scan triangulation.
With radius smaller…
By_radius; determines which holes to fill in Fusion.