This comprehensive code sample includes the essential scanning and processing steps to produce a complete 3D model.
The code initializes the scanner and captures a series of frames, registers and processes, then combines them into a single 3D mesh. Functions in the artec::sdk::algorithms namespace handle the processing. Using this sample you can store models, both textured and untextured as well as raw frames into OBJ file. The final step is to display a model in a 3D viewer by calling meshContainer
The files required for compiling this sample are packed in the archive. |
- Note
- The sample requires the GLFW library to function. This library is included in the archive. When loading the solution in Microsoft Visual Studio, maintain the original folder hierarchy.
* Project Artec 3D Scanning SDK Samples
* Purpose: Scanning and processing sample
* Copyright: Artec Group
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <artec/sdk/base/Log.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/Errors.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/TRef.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/RefBase.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/IFrameMesh.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/ICompositeMesh.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/ICompositeContainer.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/IModel.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/ICancellationTokenSource.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/IO/ObjIO.h>
#include <artec/sdk/base/AlgorithmWorkset.h>
#include <artec/sdk/capturing/IScanner.h>
#include <artec/sdk/capturing/IScannerObserver.h>
#include <artec/sdk/capturing/IArrayScannerId.h>
#include <artec/sdk/scanning/IScanningProcedure.h>
#include <artec/sdk/scanning/IArrayScanner.h>
#include <artec/sdk/algorithms/IAlgorithm.h>
#include <artec/sdk/algorithms/Algorithms.h>
#include "ScenePresenter.h"
namespace asdk {
using namespace artec::sdk::base;
using namespace artec::sdk::capturing;
using namespace artec::sdk::scanning;
using namespace artec::sdk::algorithms;
using asdk::TRef;
// this constant determines the number of frames to collect.
const int NumberOfFramesToCapture = 100;
// Texture processing needs a lot of processing power and a suitable
// graphic card. Define the following macro if you wish to include it
// into this sample.
// Saving the results takes time and needs considerable amount
// of disc space. Uncomment one or both of the following macros
// in order to enable it. Make sure you have a subdirectory
// designated as OUTPUT_DIR in the current directory
// for output files to be placed.
#define OUTPUT_DIR L"scans"
// simple error log handling for SDK calls
#define SDK_STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define SAFE_SDK_CALL(x) \
{ \
asdk::ErrorCode ec = (x); \
if ( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK ) \
{ \
reportError( ec, __FILE__ " [ line " SDK_STRING(__LINE__) " ]"); \
return ec; \
} \
const wchar_t* msg = L"No error";
switch( ec ){
msg = L"Not enough storage is available to process the operation";
msg = L"Provided argument is invalid";
msg = L"Requested operation is invalid";
msg = L"Data format is unsupported or invalid";
msg = L"Requested scanner is not connected";
msg = L"Requested scanner is not licensed";
msg = L"Requested scanner is already used by someone else";
msg = L"Scanner initialization failed";
msg = L"Frame is corrupted";
msg = L"Frame reconstruction failed";
msg = L"Frame registration failed";
msg = L"Requested operation is unsupported. Check versions";
msg = L"Requested operation is denied. Check your license(s)";
msg = L"Requested operation has failed";
msg = L"Requested operation was canceled from client's side";
msg = L"Unexplained error";
std::wcerr << msg << " [error " << std::hex << ec << "] " << "at " << place << std::endl;
// simple demonstration handler for scanner events
class SimpleScannerObserver : public asdk::ScannerObserverBase
// scanner event handling
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent: trigger button was pressed" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent: stop button was pressed" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent: record button was pressed" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent: unknown button was pressed" << std::endl;
virtual void deviceOverheated()
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent: device is overheated" << std::endl;
virtual void deviceTemperatureBackToNormal()
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent: device temperature is back to normal" << std::endl;
virtual void deviceDisconnected()
std::wcout << L"ScannerEvent : device was disconnected" << std::endl;
// creator function for simple demonstration handler defined above
// This function is used to initialize TRef<asdk::IScannerObserver>, and
// this is a preferred way to deal with current implementation of TRef.
// Please don't assign a newly created object directly to TRef as this
// may cause memory leaks.
asdk::ErrorCode createSimpleScannerObserver( asdk::IScannerObserver** observer )
*observer = new SimpleScannerObserver();
// scanning procedure sample
asdk::ErrorCode ScanningProcedureSample( asdk::AlgorithmWorkset& workset )
std::wcout << L"Looking for scanner..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IScanner> scanner;
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"No scanners found" << std::endl;
return ec;
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Scanner found with serial number " << scanner->getId()->serial << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Setting the scanner event handler..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IScannerObserver> observer;
createSimpleScannerObserver( &observer );
SAFE_SDK_CALL( scanner->setObserver( observer ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Scanner is ready, press ENTER to start" << std::endl;
std::wcin.setf( ~std::ios::skipws, std::ios::skipws );
std::wcout << L"Creating scanning procedure..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IScanningProcedure> scanning;
asdk::ScanningProcedureSettings desc = { 0 };
desc.maxFrameCount = NumberOfFramesToCapture;
desc.initialState = asdk::ScanningState_Record;
desc.pipelineConfiguration =
desc.captureTexture = asdk::CaptureTextureMethod_EveryNFrame;
desc.captureTextureFrequency = 10;
desc.ignoreRegistrationErrors = false;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createScanningProcedure( &scanning, scanner, &desc ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Launching scanning procedure in fully automatic mode..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( executeJob( scanning, &workset ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Preparing workset for further processing..." << std::endl;
std::swap(, workset.out );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
return asdk::ErrorCode_OK;
// example of the post-scanning processing
asdk::ErrorCode AlgorithmProcessingSample( asdk::AlgorithmWorkset& workset )
// get scanner type from the very first scan in workset
// apply serial registration
std::wcout << L"Creating serial registration procedure..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IAlgorithm> serialRegistration;
asdk::SerialRegistrationSettings serialDesc = {
scannerType, asdk::SerialRegistrationType_FineTextured
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createSerialRegistrationAlgorithm( &serialRegistration, &serialDesc ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Launching the serial registration algorithm..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::executeJob( serialRegistration, &workset ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
// prepare serial registration output for the global registration
std::swap(, workset.out );
// proceed with global registration
std::wcout << L"Creating global registration procedure..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IAlgorithm> globalRegistration;
asdk::GlobalRegistrationSettings globalDesc = {
scannerType, asdk::GlobalRegistrationType_Geometry
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createGlobalRegistrationAlgorithm( &globalRegistration, &globalDesc ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Launching the global registration algorithm..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::executeJob( globalRegistration, &workset ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
// prepare global registration output for outliers removal
std::swap(, workset.out );
// apply outliers removal
std::wcout << L"Creating outliers removal procedure..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IAlgorithm> noOutliers;
asdk::OutliersRemovalSettings outliersDesc;
// get default settings
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::initializeOutliersRemovalSettings( &outliersDesc, scannerType ) );
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createOutliersRemovalAlgorithm( &noOutliers, &outliersDesc ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Launching the outliers removal algorithm..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::executeJob( noOutliers, &workset ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
// prepare outliers removal results for fusion input
std::swap(, workset.out );
// apply fast fusion
std::wcout << L"Creating fast fusion procedure..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IAlgorithm> fusion;
asdk::FastFusionSettings fusionDesc;
// get default settings
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::initializeFastFusionSettings( &fusionDesc, scannerType ) );
fusionDesc.resolution = 2.f;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createFastFusionAlgorithm( &fusion, &fusionDesc ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Launching the fast fusion algorithm..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::executeJob( fusion, &workset ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Preparing workset for further processing..." << std::endl;
std::swap(, workset.out );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
return asdk::ErrorCode_OK;
// texture mapping snippet
asdk::ErrorCode TextureProcessingSample( asdk::AlgorithmWorkset& workset )
// get scanner type from the very first scan in workset
asdk::ScannerType scannerType = (asdk::ScannerType)>getElement(0)->getScannerType();
// apply texture mapping
std::wcout << L"Creating texture mapping procedure..." << std::endl;
TRef<asdk::IAlgorithm> texturize;
asdk::TexturizationSettings textureDesc;
// get default settings
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::initializeTexturizationSettings( &textureDesc, scannerType ) );
textureDesc.texturizeType = asdk::TexturizeType_Atlas;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createTexturizationAlgorithm( &texturize, &textureDesc ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Launching the texture mapping algorithm..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::executeJob( texturize, &workset ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Preparing workset for further processing..." << std::endl;
std::swap(, workset.out );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
return asdk::ErrorCode_OK;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
// The log verbosity level is set here. It is set to the most
// verbose value - Trace. If you have any problems working with
// our examples, please do not hesitate to send us this extensive
// information along with your questions. However, if you feel
// comfortable with these Artec Scanning SDK code examples,
// we suggest you to set this level to asdk::VerboseLevel_Info.
// create workset for scanned data
TRef<asdk::IModel> inputContainer;
TRef<asdk::IModel> outputContainer;
TRef<asdk::ICancellationTokenSource> ctSource;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createModel( &inputContainer ) );
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createModel( &outputContainer ) );
SAFE_SDK_CALL( asdk::createCancellationTokenSource( &ctSource ) );
asdk::AlgorithmWorkset workset = { inputContainer, outputContainer, 0, ctSource->getToken(), 0 };
asdk::ErrorCode ec = ScanningProcedureSample( workset );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"Finishing work on errors when scanning..." << std::endl;
return (int)ec;
ec = AlgorithmProcessingSample( workset );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"Finishing work on errors when processing..." << std::endl;
return (int)ec;
// saving the resulting mesh to OBJ format
asdk::ICompositeContainer* meshContainer =>getCompositeContainer();
if( meshContainer && meshContainer->getSize() > 0 )
asdk::ICompositeMesh* resultMesh = meshContainer->getElement( 0 );
std::wcout << L"Saving the resulting mesh to an OBJ file..." << std::endl;
const wchar_t* filename = OUTPUT_DIR L"\\untextured-mesh.obj";
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"Cannot open file '" << filename << L"'" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"skipped" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
// saving all frame meshes to OBJ format
std::wcout << L"Saving all the reconstructed frames to separate OBJ files..." << std::endl;
for( int ix = 0; ix <>getSize(); ix++ )
TRef<asdk::IScan> scan(>getElement( ix ) );
for( int jx = 0; jx < scan->getSize(); jx++ )
TRef<asdk::IFrameMesh> frameMesh( scan->getElement( jx ) );
std::wstring pathFormat( OUTPUT_DIR L"\\frame-S%02dF%02d.obj" );
std::vector<wchar_t> pathBuffer( pathFormat.size() +1 );
std::swprintf(, pathBuffer.size(), pathFormat.c_str(), ix, jx );
ec = asdk::io::saveObjFrameToFile(, frameMesh );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"Cannot open file '" << << "'" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"skipped" << std::endl;
if( ec == asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
ec = TextureProcessingSample( workset );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"failed" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Continue to work withstanding errors when texturing..." << std::endl;
// saving the resulting texture to OBJ format
asdk::ICompositeContainer* meshContainer =>getCompositeContainer();
if( meshContainer && meshContainer->getSize() > 0 )
asdk::ICompositeMesh* resultMesh = meshContainer->getElement( 0 );
std::wcout << L"Saving the resulting textured mesh to an OBJ file..." << std::endl;
const wchar_t* filename = OUTPUT_DIR L"\\textured-mesh.obj";
asdk::ErrorCode ec = asdk::io::saveObjCompositeToFile( filename, resultMesh );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"Cannot open file '" << filename << "'" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"skipped" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
// demonstrating the results via the simple GLFW viewer
asdk::ICompositeContainer* meshContainer =>getCompositeContainer();
if( meshContainer && meshContainer->getSize() > 0 )
asdk::ICompositeMesh* resultMesh = meshContainer->getElement( 0 );
std::wcout << L"Showing the resulting mesh..." << std::endl;
SAFE_SDK_CALL( DisplayScene( *resultMesh ) );
std::wcout << L"ok" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Finishing work with capturing library..." << std::endl;
return (int)ec;