
This basic example shows you how to start using a 3D scanner in the SDK.

The code below includes all the necessary steps to initialize a device, capture a single frame and store the resulting 3D surface to an OBJ file on the disk.

If you need a comprehensive sample with efficient multithreading and frame registration, consider using scanning-and-process-sample.cpp.
The files required for compiling this sample are packed in the archive.
* Project Artec 3D Scanning SDK Samples
* Purpose: Simple capture sample
* Copyright: Artec Group
#undef NDEBUG
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace asdk {
using namespace artec::sdk::base;
using namespace artec::sdk::capturing;
using asdk::TRef;
using asdk::TArrayRef;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
// The log verbosity level is set here. It is set to the most
// verbose value - Trace. If you have any problems working with
// our examples, please do not hesitate to send us this extensive
// information along with your questions. However, if you feel
// comfortable with these Artec Scanning SDK code examples,
// we suggest you to set this level to asdk::VerboseLevel_Info.
std::wcout << L"Enumerating scanners... ";
ec = asdk::enumerateScanners( &scannersList );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"failed" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::wcout << L"done" << std::endl;
int scanner_count = scannersList->getSize();
if( scanner_count == 0 )
std::wcout << L"No scanners found" << std::endl;
return 3;
const asdk::ScannerId* idArray = scannersList->getPointer();
const asdk::ScannerId& defaultScanner = idArray[0]; // just take the first available scanner
<< L"Connecting to " << asdk::getScannerTypeName( defaultScanner.type )
<< L" scanner " << defaultScanner.serial << L"... "
ec = asdk::createScanner( &scanner, &defaultScanner );
if( ec != asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"failed" << std::endl;
return 2;
std::wcout << L"done" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"Capturing frame... ";
ec = scanner->createFrameProcessor( &processor );
if( ec == asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
frame = NULL;
ec = scanner->capture( &frame, true ); // with texture
if( ec == asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
mesh = NULL;
processor->reconstructAndTexturizeMesh( &mesh, frame );
if( ec == asdk::ErrorCode_OK )
std::wcout << L"done" << std::endl;
// save the mesh
ec = asdk::io::Obj::save( L"frame.obj", mesh ); // save in text format
// working with normals
// 1. generate normals
mesh->calculate( asdk::CM_Normals );
// 2. get normals array using helper class
asdk::TArrayPoint3F pointsNormals = mesh->getPointsNormals();
// 3. get number of normals
int normalCount = pointsNormals.size();
// 4. use normal
asdk::Point3F point = pointsNormals[0];
std::wcout << L"Captured mesh saved to disk" << std::endl;
std::wcout << L"failed" << std::endl;
scanner = NULL;
std::wcout << L"Scanner released" << std::endl;
return 0;