Enumerator |
ErrorCode_OK |
[SUCCESS] 0x00000000: Success
ErrorCode_OsError |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0000001: Unmapped OS error
ErrorCode_FileNotFound |
[WARNING] 0x80000002: The OS cannot find the file specified
ErrorCode_PathNotFound |
[WARNING] 0x80000003: The OS cannot find the path specified
ErrorCode_AccessDenied |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0000005: Access to the OS resource is denied. Check for lost references, access rights, etc.
ErrorCode_InvalidHandle |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0000006: Invalid OS handle
ErrorCode_NotEnoughMemory |
[WARNING] 0x80000008: Not enough storage is available to process the operation
ErrorCode_OutOfMemory |
[CRITICAL] 0xC000000E: Not enough storage is available to complete the operation
ErrorCode_FileExists |
[WARNING] 0x80000050: The file already exists
ErrorCode_FilePathTooLong |
[WARNING] 0x80000051: The file path is too long
ErrorCode_FileIsDirectory |
[WARNING] 0x80000052: The requested file is a directory
ErrorCode_FileReadError |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0000060: The file read error (unspecified)
ErrorCode_FileWriteError |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0000061: The file write error (unspecified)
ErrorCode_ClientInterfaceStartFailed |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0010001: Client interface start failed
- Note
- These are caused by SDK's usage - external or internal. Anyway, most likely that your code does something it shouldn't.
ErrorCode_ClientInterfaceShutdownFailed |
[WARNING] 0x80010004: Client interface shutdown failed
ErrorCode_OperationUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80010100: Requested operation is unsupported. Check versions
ErrorCode_OperationDenied |
[WARNING] 0x80010101: Requested operation is denied. Check your license(s)
ErrorCode_OperationInvalid |
[WARNING] 0x80010102: Requested operation is invalid
ErrorCode_OperationTimeouted |
[WARNING] 0x80010103: Requested operation hasn't completed in time
ErrorCode_OperationFailed |
[WARNING] 0x80010104: Requested operation has failed
ErrorCode_OperationAborted |
[SUCCESS] 0x00010105: Requested operation was cancelled by client's side
ErrorCode_ParameterUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80010200: There is no such parameter. Check versions & input format
ErrorCode_ArgumentInvalid |
[WARNING] 0x80010201: Provided argument is invalid
ErrorCode_ArgumentOutOfRange |
[WARNING] 0x80010202: Provided argument is out of range - Note
- Some places may still return EventCode_ArgumentInvalid instead
ErrorCode_FormatUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80010300: Data format is unsupported - Note
- Some places may still return EventCode_ArgumentInvalid instead
ErrorCode_FormatInvalid |
[WARNING] 0x80010301: Data format is invalid - Note
- Some places may still return EventCode_ArgumentInvalid instead
ErrorCode_TestMockWarning |
[WARNING] 0x80020002: Used in auto-testing to mock warning event
- Note
- Not supposed to appear in any usage case, if you still get any of these
- please collect supportive log information and contact support with it
ErrorCode_TestMockFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0020003: Used in auto-testing to mock error event
ErrorCode_InternalFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030000: Unresolved internal failure
- Note
- If you get any of these - collect supportive log information and
- check for dependencies and their versions,
- make sure your scanner is still registered and your SDK subscription is intact.
If everything seems OK - please contact support with collected log.
- Note
- STD, Boost are also considered to be a 'library', so there might be a case when an SDK developer didn't check your input parameters (as we ought to) and some of input-caused errors ended up here instead of the Client section.
ErrorCode_DriverNotFound |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030100: Driver's not found
ErrorCode_DriverVersionUnsupported |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030101: Driver's version is not supported
ErrorCode_LibNotFound |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030200: Library's not found
ErrorCode_LibVersionUnsupported |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030201: Library's version is not supported
ErrorCode_LibInternalFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030206: Library's internal failure
ErrorCode_LibFeatureUnsupported |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030207: Used library doesn't support requested feature
ErrorCode_LibOperationUnsupported |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030210: Used library doesn't support requested operation
ErrorCode_LibOperationInvalid |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030211: Used library reported 'invalid operation'
ErrorCode_LibParameterUnsupported |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030220: Used library doesn't support the parameter
ErrorCode_LibArgumentInvalid |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030221: Used library reported 'invalid argument'
ErrorCode_LibArgumentOutOfRange |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030222: Used library reported 'out of range argument'
ErrorCode_ConfigNotFound |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030300: The requested config is not found. Check AIC for details
ErrorCode_ConfigVersionUnsupported |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030301: Config version is unsupported
ErrorCode_ConfigCorrupted |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030302: Config is corrupted
ErrorCode_ConfigAccessFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030305: Failed to access config due to parsing failure, etc.
ErrorCode_ConfigParameterNotFound |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030310: Config parameter's not found
ErrorCode_ConfigParameterInvalid |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0030311: Config parameter's invalid
ErrorCode_DevLogicFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050000: General error for exceptions raised by developer logic faults (lost references, etc.)
- Note
- Most of these exceptions are signals of developer's sloppiness. So, for most cases there is nothing you can do about except contacting support with collected log output.
Unresolved exceptions are the ones that were nor handled properly by a developer in the place of likely occurrence with more specific event code and details nor recognized by the SDK's general exception-handling procedure.
ErrorCode_MathFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050010: Division on 0, floating point math and such
ErrorCode_UnresolvedException |
Generalization for all exceptions of uncommon, but known types from 3rd-party libraries Do not confuse with EventCode_UnknownExceptionType
ErrorCode_UnresolvedOsException |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050102: Unresolved OS exception (SEH for Windows)
ErrorCode_UnresolvedStdException |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050103: Unresolved std::exception
ErrorCode_UnresolvedBoostException |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050104: Unresolved boost::exception
ErrorCode_UnknownExceptionType |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050110: Unknown exception type (caught by ...)
ErrorCode_SecondaryException |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050111: OMG. Another exception's raised during exception handling - Note
- This one is never to be returned, it can be only logged with more stable back-ends like Windows Event Log or Linux system log
ErrorCode_UnmappedError |
- Note
- Most likely - outdated error mapping
ErrorCode_ExpectationFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0050300: Unexpected outcome (in assertions and etc.)
ErrorCode_OpenGlInvalidVersion |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0060100: OpenGL is either missing or presented by unsupported version
ErrorCode_CameraNotConnected |
[WARNING] 0x80070101: Requested camera is not connected
ErrorCode_CameraUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80070102: Requested camera is not supported. Check manufacturer and firmware version
ErrorCode_CameraNotLicenced |
[WARNING] 0x80070103: Requested camera is not licensed
ErrorCode_CameraLocked |
[WARNING] 0x80070108: Requested camera is already used by someone else (yet to be able diagnose)
ErrorCode_CameraInitializationFailed |
[WARNING] 0x8007010F: Camera initialization failed
ErrorCode_CameraNotInitialized |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070110: Attempted to use uninitialized camera
ErrorCode_CameraSettingUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80070120: Camera setting is not supported. Check versions
ErrorCode_CameraSettingInvalid |
[WARNING] 0x80070121: Camera setting is invalid (set to invalid/unsupported value or failed to be updated to required one)
ErrorCode_CameraFirmwareFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070130: Hardware/firmware related failure on camera side
ErrorCode_CameraFirmwareAccessFailure |
[WARNING] 0x80070140: Failed on access the camera
ErrorCode_CameraFirmwareAccessTimeout |
[WARNING] 0x80070141: Timeout on access to the camera
ErrorCode_CameraBusy |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070150: Camera is engaged with previous request
ErrorCode_ScannerNotConnected |
[WARNING] 0x80070201: Requested scanner is not connected
ErrorCode_ScannerUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80070202: Requested scanner is not supported. Check manufacturer and firmware version
ErrorCode_ScannerNotLicensed |
[WARNING] 0x80070203: Requested scanner is not licensed
ErrorCode_ScannerLocked |
[WARNING] 0x80070208: Requested scanner is already used by someone else (yet to be able diagnose)
ErrorCode_ScannerInitializationFailed |
[WARNING] 0x8007020F: Scanner initialization failed
ErrorCode_ScannerNotInitialized |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070210: Attempted to use uninitialized scanner
ErrorCode_ScannerBusy |
[WARNING] 0x80070250: Scanner is engaged with previous request
ErrorCode_BundlesUnsupported |
[WARNING] 0x80070300: Current SDK version doesn't support bundles
ErrorCode_BundlesNotLicensed |
[WARNING] 0x80070301: Current SDK version is not licensed to work with bundles
ErrorCode_BundleCalibrationFailed |
[WARNING] 0x80070321: Bundle calibration failed
ErrorCode_BundleStagingFailure |
[WARNING] 0x80070323: Bundle staging failure. Bundle calibration failed due to
- wrong calibration staging (used calibration plate, its allocation, etc.)
- other environmental issues (missing config files, etc.)
ErrorCode_BundleInsufficientOverlapping |
[WARNING] 0x80070324: Bundle staging failure. Insufficient overlapping between scanners
ErrorCode_BundleUncalibrated |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070330: Attempt to use uncalibrated bundle
ErrorCode_StrobeFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070500: Strobe failure
ErrorCode_TriggerFailure |
[CRITICAL] 0xC0070510: Trigger failure
ErrorCode_FrameCaptureTimeout |
[WARNING] 0x80070800: Frame capture timeout
ErrorCode_FrameCorrupted |
[WARNING] 0x80070801: Frame corrupted
ErrorCode_FrameReconstructionFailed |
[WARNING] 0x80070803: Frame reconstruction failed
ErrorCode_FrameRegistrationFailed |
[WARNING] 0x80070808: Frame registration failed