artec::sdk::base::io Namespace Reference


class  Aop
class  Bmp
class  Buff
class  Jpg
class  Obj
class  Ply
class  Png
class  Stl


ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveAopImageToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IRangeImageCylindric *ri)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveAopMeshToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IMesh *surface, int width, int height, bool interpolateHoles, bool cutEdges=false, int edgeQualityFactor=80)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveBuffFrameToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IFrameMesh *mesh, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveBuffFrameToBlob (IBlob **data, const IFrameMesh *mesh, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadBuffFrameFromFile (IFrameMesh **mesh, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadBuffFrameFromBlob (IFrameMesh **mesh, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadImage32fFromFile (IImage **image, const wchar_t *path)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveImage32fToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IImage *image)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadImageFromFile (IImage **image, const wchar_t *path)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadImageFromBlob (IImage **image, const IBlob *data, const wchar_t *formatExt)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveImageToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IImage *image)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveImageToBlob (IBlob **data, const IImage *image, const wchar_t *formatExt)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePlyTexture (const wchar_t *filename, const IFrameMesh *mesh, const wchar_t *imageFormat=L"png")
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePlyTextures (const wchar_t *filename, const ICompositeMesh *mesh, const wchar_t *imageFormat=L"png")
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveStlMeshToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IMesh *surf, bool binary=true, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveStlMeshToFileAscii (const wchar_t *path, const IMesh *surf, const char *name=NULL, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveStlMeshToFileBinary (const wchar_t *path, const IMesh *surf, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveStlMeshToBlob (IBlob **data, const IMesh *surf, bool binary=true, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveStlMeshToBlobAscii (IBlob **data, const IMesh *surf, const char *name=NULL, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveStlMeshToBlobBinary (IBlob **data, const IMesh *surf, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
bool ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC isStlBinary (const wchar_t *path)
 Determines the format of saved file. More...
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveBmpImageToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IImage *image)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveBmpImageToBlob (IBlob **data, const IImage *image)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadBmpImageFromFile (IImage **image, const wchar_t *path)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadBmpImageFromBlob (IImage **image, const IBlob *data)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveJpgImageToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IImage *image, int quality=100)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveJpgImageToBlob (IBlob **data, const IImage *image, int quality=100)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadJpgImageFromFile (IImage **image, const wchar_t *path)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadJpgImageFromBlob (IImage **image, const IBlob *data)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveObjFrameToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IFrameMesh *mesh, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0, bool saveNormals=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, const wchar_t *imageFormat=L"png")
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveObjCompositeToFile (const wchar_t *path, const ICompositeMesh *mesh, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0, bool saveNormals=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, const wchar_t *imageFormat=L"png")
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveObjFrameToBlob (IBlob **data, const IFrameMesh *mesh, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0, bool saveNormals=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, const wchar_t *materialFilename=NULL)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC saveObjCompositeToBlob (IBlob **data, const ICompositeMesh *mesh, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0, bool saveNormals=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, const wchar_t *materialFilename=NULL)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadObjFrameFromFile (IFrameMesh **mesh, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadObjCompositeFromFile (ICompositeMesh **mesh, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadObjFrameFromBlob (IFrameMesh **mesh, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadObjCompositeFromBlob (ICompositeMesh **mesh, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePlyFrameToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IFrameMesh *mesh, const Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix=NULL, IProgressInfo *progr=NULL, ICancellationToken *cncl=NULL, bool binary=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, bool saveTexMatrix=false, bool saveTextures=true, const wchar_t *imageFormat=L"png")
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePlyCompositeToFile (const wchar_t *path, const ICompositeMesh *mesh, const Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix=NULL, IProgressInfo *progr=NULL, ICancellationToken *cncl=NULL, bool binary=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, bool saveTexMatrix=false, bool saveTextures=true, const wchar_t *imageFormat=L"png")
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePlyFrameToBlob (IBlob **data, const IFrameMesh *mesh, const Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0, bool binary=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, bool saveTexMatrix=false)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePlyCompositeToBlob (IBlob **data, const ICompositeMesh *mesh, const Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0, bool binary=true, bool saveTexCoords=true, bool saveTexMatrix=false)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadPlyFrameFromFile (IFrameMesh **mesh, Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadPlyCompositeFromFile (ICompositeMesh **mesh, Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadPlyFrameFromBlob (IFrameMesh **mesh, Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadPlyCompositeFromBlob (ICompositeMesh **mesh, Matrix3x4D *calibrationMatrix, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePngImageToFile (const wchar_t *path, const IImage *image)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC savePngImageToBlob (IBlob **data, const IImage *image)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadPngImageFromFile (IImage **image, const wchar_t *path)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadPngImageFromBlob (IImage **image, const IBlob *data)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromFile (IMesh **surf, const wchar_t *path, bool binary, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromFileAutodetect (IMesh **surf, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromFileAscii (IMesh **surf, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromFileBinary (IMesh **surf, const wchar_t *path, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromBlob (IMesh **surf, const IBlob *data, bool binary, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromBlobAscii (IMesh **surf, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC loadStlMeshFromBlobBinary (IMesh **surf, const IBlob *data, IProgressInfo *progr=0, ICancellationToken *cncl=0)

Function Documentation

bool ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::isStlBinary ( const wchar_t *  path)

Determines the format of saved file.

ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadBmpImageFromBlob ( IImage **  image,
const IBlob data 

Load image from BMP file/blob

image- loaded image
path- file path to load image from
data- blob to load image from
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadBmpImageFromFile ( IImage **  image,
const wchar_t *  path 

Load image from BMP file/blob

image- loaded image
path- file path to load image from
data- blob to load image from
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadBuffFrameFromBlob ( IFrameMesh **  mesh,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh from BUFF blob

load only geometry, not texture also, because image is stored in separate blob
mesh- loaded mesh
data- blob to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadBuffFrameFromFile ( IFrameMesh **  mesh,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh from BUFF file

mesh- loaded mesh
path- file path to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadImage32fFromFile ( IImage **  image,
const wchar_t *  path 

Load float-value image from file

error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadImageFromBlob ( IImage **  image,
const IBlob data,
const wchar_t *  formatExt 

Load image from data in memory buffer while automatically detecting it's type by extension.

currently BMP, JPG, PNG
formatExt".bmp" for BMP ".jpg" or ".jpeg" or ".jpe" for JPG ".png" for PNG
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadImageFromFile ( IImage **  image,
const wchar_t *  path 

Load image from file while automatically detecting it's type by extension.

currently BMP, JPG, PNG
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadJpgImageFromBlob ( IImage **  image,
const IBlob data 

Load image from JPEG file/blob

image- loaded image
path- file path to load image from
data- blob to load image from
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadJpgImageFromFile ( IImage **  image,
const wchar_t *  path 

Load image from JPEG file/blob

image- loaded image
path- file path to load image from
data- blob to load image from
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadObjCompositeFromBlob ( ICompositeMesh **  mesh,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from OBJ blob

load only geometry, not texture also, because image is stored in separate blob
mesh- loaded mesh
data- blob to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadObjCompositeFromFile ( ICompositeMesh **  mesh,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from OBJ file

mesh- loaded mesh
path- file path to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadObjFrameFromBlob ( IFrameMesh **  mesh,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from OBJ blob

load only geometry, not texture also, because image is stored in separate blob
mesh- loaded mesh
data- blob to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadObjFrameFromFile ( IFrameMesh **  mesh,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from OBJ file

mesh- loaded mesh
path- file path to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadPlyCompositeFromBlob ( ICompositeMesh **  mesh,
Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from PLY blob

load only geometry, not texture also, because image is stored in separate blob
mesh- loaded mesh
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4
data- blob to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadPlyCompositeFromFile ( ICompositeMesh **  mesh,
Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from PLY file

mesh- loaded mesh
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4
path- file path to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadPlyFrameFromBlob ( IFrameMesh **  mesh,
Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from PLY blob

load only geometry, not texture also, because image is stored in separate blob
mesh- loaded mesh
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4
data- blob to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadPlyFrameFromFile ( IFrameMesh **  mesh,
Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh from PLY file

mesh- loaded mesh
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4
path- file path to load image from
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadPngImageFromBlob ( IImage **  image,
const IBlob data 

Load image from PNG file/blob

image- loaded image
path- file path to load image from
data- blob to load image from
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadPngImageFromFile ( IImage **  image,
const wchar_t *  path 

Load image from PNG file/blob

image- loaded image
path- file path to load image from
data- blob to load image from
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromBlob ( IMesh **  surf,
const IBlob data,
bool  binary,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromBlobAscii ( IMesh **  surf,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromBlobBinary ( IMesh **  surf,
const IBlob data,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromFile ( IMesh **  surf,
const wchar_t *  path,
bool  binary,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromFileAscii ( IMesh **  surf,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromFileAutodetect ( IMesh **  surf,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::loadStlMeshFromFileBinary ( IMesh **  surf,
const wchar_t *  path,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Load surface from file/blob in STL format

stream- we intend load surface from here
path- file path to load surface from
surf- loaded surface
binary- format of data - binary or textual. load-from-file functions use isBinary() call to determine it.
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveAopImageToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IRangeImageCylindric ri 

Save range image to AOP file

pathFile path to save mesh to
riRange image to be saved
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveAopMeshToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IMesh surface,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  interpolateHoles,
bool  cutEdges = false,
int  edgeQualityFactor = 80 

Save surface in AOP format, converting it to image

pathFile path to save mesh to
surfaceSurface to be saved
width,heightDimensions of range image texture in pixels
interpolateHolesIf true then holes will be linearly interpolated on cylinder
cutEdgesCut top and bottom of cylinder if percent of populated cells in range image there lesser than edgeQualityFactor
edgeQualityFactorNecessary percent in [0..100] of populated cells on edges.
Surface should be in origin, aligned along OY axis, so that OY is inside surface
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveBmpImageToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IImage image 

Save image to BMP file/blob

path- file path to save image to
data- blob pointer to save image to
image- image to be saved (not empty, 1 or 3 channels)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveBmpImageToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IImage image 

Save image to BMP file/blob

path- file path to save image to
data- blob pointer to save image to
image- image to be saved (not empty, 1 or 3 channels)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveBuffFrameToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IFrameMesh to BUFF blob

save only geometry, not texture also, because image is stored in separate blob
data- blob to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveBuffFrameToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IFrameMesh to BUFF file

path- file path to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveImage32fToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IImage image 

Save float-value image in file

error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveImageToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IImage image,
const wchar_t *  formatExt 

Save image to memory buffer automatically detecting it's type by extension.

currently BMP, JPG, PNG
$formatExt".bmp" for BMP ".jpg" or ".jpeg" or ".jpe" for JPG ".png" for PNG
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveImageToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IImage image 

Save image to file automatically detecting it's type by extension.

currently BMP, JPG, PNG
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveJpgImageToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IImage image,
int  quality = 100 

Save image to JPEG file/blob

path- file path to save image to
data- blob pointer to save image to
image- image to be saved (not empty, 1 or 3 channels)
quality- quality for saved image
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveJpgImageToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IImage image,
int  quality = 100 

Save image to JPEG file/blob

path- file path to save image to
data- blob pointer to save image to
image- image to be saved (not empty, 1 or 3 channels)
quality- quality for saved image
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveObjCompositeToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const ICompositeMesh mesh,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0,
bool  saveNormals = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
const wchar_t *  materialFilename = NULL 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to OBJ blob

save only geometry, not texture and material also, because material and images is stored in separate blob
data- blob to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
saveNormals- if we need to save normals in file
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveObjCompositeToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const ICompositeMesh mesh,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0,
bool  saveNormals = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
const wchar_t *  imageFormat = L"png" 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to OBJ file

path- file path to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
saveNormals- if we need to save normals in file
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
if you set saveTexCoords flag then texture images will also be saved
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveObjFrameToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0,
bool  saveNormals = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
const wchar_t *  materialFilename = NULL 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to OBJ blob

save only geometry, not texture and material also, because material and images is stored in separate blob
data- blob to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
saveNormals- if we need to save normals in file
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveObjFrameToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0,
bool  saveNormals = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
const wchar_t *  imageFormat = L"png" 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to OBJ file

path- file path to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
saveNormals- if we need to save normals in file
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
if you set saveTexCoords flag then texture images will also be saved
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePlyCompositeToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const ICompositeMesh mesh,
const Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0,
bool  binary = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
bool  saveTexMatrix = false 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to PLY blob

save only geometry, not texture also, because images is stored in separate blob
data- blob to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4 to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
binary- text or binary ply format
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
saveTexMatrix- if texture matrix should be saved
saveTextures- if texture images should be saved near PLY file (available only for out-to-file functions). this flag is valid only when save_texcoords == true
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePlyCompositeToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const ICompositeMesh mesh,
const Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix = NULL,
IProgressInfo progr = NULL,
ICancellationToken cncl = NULL,
bool  binary = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
bool  saveTexMatrix = false,
bool  saveTextures = true,
const wchar_t *  imageFormat = L"png" 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to PLY file

path- file path to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4 to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
binary- text or binary ply format
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
saveTexMatrix- if texture matrix should be saved
saveTextures- if texture images should be saved near PLY file (available only for out-to-file functions). this flag is valid only when save_texcoords == true
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePlyFrameToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
const Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0,
bool  binary = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
bool  saveTexMatrix = false 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to PLY blob

save only geometry, not texture also, because images is stored in separate blob
data- blob to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4 to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
binary- text or binary ply format
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
saveTexMatrix- if texture matrix should be saved
saveTextures- if texture images should be saved near PLY file (available only for out-to-file functions). this flag is valid only when save_texcoords == true
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePlyFrameToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
const Matrix3x4D calibrationMatrix = NULL,
IProgressInfo progr = NULL,
ICancellationToken cncl = NULL,
bool  binary = true,
bool  saveTexCoords = true,
bool  saveTexMatrix = false,
bool  saveTextures = true,
const wchar_t *  imageFormat = L"png" 

Save IFrameMesh/ICompositeMesh to PLY file

path- file path to save mesh to
mesh- mesh to be saved
calibrationMatrix- calibration matrix 3x4 to be saved
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
binary- text or binary ply format
saveTexCoords- if texture coordinates should be saved
saveTexMatrix- if texture matrix should be saved
saveTextures- if texture images should be saved near PLY file (available only for out-to-file functions). this flag is valid only when save_texcoords == true
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePlyTexture ( const wchar_t *  filename,
const IFrameMesh mesh,
const wchar_t *  imageFormat = L"png" 

Save texture for given surface

This function is called by save() (out-to-file versions) functions when save_textures == true && save_texcoords == true.
filename- file path to .ply file. File names for textures will be generated automatically.
mesh- textured mesh to be saved
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePlyTextures ( const wchar_t *  filename,
const ICompositeMesh mesh,
const wchar_t *  imageFormat = L"png" 

Save textures for given surface

This function is called by save() (out-to-file versions) functions when save_textures == true && save_texcoords == true.
filename- file path to .ply file. File names for textures will be generated automatically.
mesh- textured mesh to be saved
imageFormat- format for texture images if they should be saved ("png","jpg","bmp")
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePngImageToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IImage image 

Save image to PNG file/blob

path- file path to save image to
data- blob pointer to save image to
image- image to be saved (not empty, 1,3,4 channels)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::savePngImageToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IImage image 

Save image to PNG file/blob

path- file path to save image to
data- blob pointer to save image to
image- image to be saved (not empty, 1,3,4 channels)
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveStlMeshToBlob ( IBlob **  data,
const IMesh surf,
bool  binary = true,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IMesh surface to STL blob

data- blob to save mesh to
surf- surface to be saved (not empty)
binary- text or binary stl format
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveStlMeshToBlobAscii ( IBlob **  data,
const IMesh surf,
const char *  name = NULL,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IMesh surface to ascii STL blob

data- blob to save mesh to
surf- surface to be saved (not empty)
name- the name of the mesh
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveStlMeshToBlobBinary ( IBlob **  data,
const IMesh surf,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IMesh surface to binary STL blob

data- blob to save mesh to
surf- surface to be saved (not empty)
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveStlMeshToFile ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IMesh surf,
bool  binary = true,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IMesh surface to STL file

path- file path to save mesh to
surf- surface to be saved (not empty)
binary- text or binary stl format
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveStlMeshToFileAscii ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IMesh surf,
const char *  name = NULL,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IMesh surface to ascii STL file

path- file path to save mesh to
surf- surface to be saved (not empty)
name- the name of the mesh
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code
ErrorCode ABASESDK_LINK_SPEC artec::sdk::base::io::saveStlMeshToFileBinary ( const wchar_t *  path,
const IMesh surf,
IProgressInfo progr = 0,
ICancellationToken cncl = 0 

Save IMesh surface to binary STL file

path- file path to save mesh to
surf- surface to be saved (not empty)
progr- progress interface
cncl- cancel interface
error code